May 24, 2012

What is Real Growth?

From the video:

"When we speak of real growth, we speak of ________________."
(see also Moroni 6:4-9)

"_________________ is the great final measurement of real growth"
(see also Isaiah 6:1; then look up the word "train").

Why:  Moses 1:39 & John 14:15

What do I need to do differently to grow?
What do we need to do differently to help others grow?
  • James 1:12?
  • Proverbs 17:9 (see footnotes) and 10:12 ?
  • John 5:2-3?
  • Others ideas?
How can I grow?
How can we help others grow?
  • Mosiah 5:13
  • Moroni 7:47-4

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