Hi Sisters,
Wouldn’t these be so cute to make during a weekly activity?
They weren’t given a name at the site where I found them, so I’ve called them Prayerful PJ’s. (Here’s where you can view the original idea and photos.)
This is a fun and easy activity the girls can do in one evening.
Have the girls bring in their favorite pair of pajama bottoms.
Start with a spiritual thought about the connection of our hearts to Heavenly Father when we pray. Here are a few scriptures and quotes to get you thinking:
- Psalm 62:8
- Alma 37:37
- “So how will He lead us today? Through prophets, apostles, and priesthood leaders and through feelings that come after we pour out our hearts and souls to Heavenly Father in prayer. He leads us as we forsake the things of the world, repent, and change. He leads us as we keep His commandments and try to be more like Him. And He leads us through the Holy Ghost.” ~ Carl B. Cook, It is Better to Look Up.
- “Over the years the prophets have taught that at least twice a day, morning and evening, we should find a private place, kneel down, and pour out our hearts to our Father in Heaven. Then, throughout the day, we can do our best to keep a prayer in our hearts. As we do, if our hearts are right, we will find that our prayers have increased power and focus, and we’ll discover that we’re in a better position to receive answers” ~ Gene R Cook, Receiving Answers to Our Prayers [1996], 46;
After the spiritual thought, the girls can spend the rest of the time making their Prayful Pj’s. The instructions listed on the photos include making the actual pajama bottoms. But to make the project simple enough to complete in one night, feel free to just hand stitch the hearts to the knees of the girls’ pj’s. To really make the project move quickly, you can also use Patch Attach.
If the girls bring an extra pair of pj bottoms, this project is easy enough to make another pair and then deliver them to a class member who could use a little extra love.