November 3, 2012

2012 Stake Auxiliary Training


Dearest Sisters,

We are really looking forward to our time together this month. We hope you will make every effort to attend.

We ask that you bring:

  • 9 copies of a recent activity or other successful idea to share. You can also email them to by  November 11th and we will have them ready for you that evening.
  • Your Scriptures
  • Your Handbook

In preparation for that meeting we invite you to view any of the short videos found here.

We pray that all of us will be nourished and rejuvenated as we prepare for and attend this training. May you feel God’s love for you, your family and these remarkable Daughters of our Heavenly Father whom we love and teach.

With Great Love & Gratitude,

The Exeter Stake Young Women Presidency

image of mountain used in the invite found here:

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