December 10, 2012

Edified and Rejoicing Together - Preparing for the New Curriculum

In the coming weeks, wards will be having an in-depth training on the new curriculum, Come, Follow Me. We encourage you to attend and then take some time to prayerfully study and ponder the various doctrinal questions, patterns of Christ-like teaching, spiritual preparation ideas and invitations to act which you will find throughout the website.

Since the previous manuals will no longer be used from January 1st on, you may be wondering what to do with the them.  We want you to know that it is appropriate to purge them out of your closets completely.  If you choose, feel free to counsel with your Bishop about the best way to dispose of them.

The First Presidency stated "The new curriculum integrates basic gospel doctrines, as well as principles for teaching in the Savior's way ...The focus is on strengthening and building faith, conversion and testimony, using the most current teachings of the General Authorities and General Auxiliary Presidencies... We are confident the new curriculum will bless youth in their efforts to become fully converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ." (Church News, 10/6/12)

We are likewise confident that the promise that, “he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together” (Doctrine & Covenants 50:22) will be fulfilled as we prepare to facilitate revelation not only for ourselves, but for these beautiful Daughters of God whom we love and who He loves.

December 3, 2012

Presidency Message – December

From Sister Jen Alves – Secretary, Exeter Stake Young Women Presidency

December is an exciting time of year! Though it is cold and winter begins we see thousands of twinkly white lights emerge from homes shining into dark nights lighting up our souls with warmth and joy! Every Christmas season It comes to my heart and mind that those lights are symbolic of Christ’s light. “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12.

Faithful saints are also the light of the world. You are the light of the world! Each of you are followers of Christ and through your leadership you help the Young Women of our stake join and continue with the faithful followers of Christ in being the light of the world. Yours is a sacred calling. I know each of you have been called because you can offer to the girls the lessons and examples they need in the way that they need them. I pray that each of you will be strengthened and blessed according to your needs and your desires. May you continue in your callings with vision, passion, and enthusiasm which will be contagious among the youth of the Exeter Stake. May you love the Lord, love your callings, and love the Young Women which you direct.

Twinkling white lights at Christmas time against a dark night also make me think of that time just before Christ returns. I imagine much of the world being dark with pockets of light scattered over the earth. With a closer look we see that those pockets of light are the stakes of Zion. They will be and are quite literally, “The light of the world”.

It is my prayer this Christmas season that our stakes worldwide (especially the Exeter Stake) will feel the great love that our Holy Father in heaven has for each individual therein. May we be as one; United in purpose and love for one another, love of our God, and love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Immense Gratitude ascends to our Heavenly Father for sending His son, Jesus Christ, to set forth a perfect example for us and to redeem us from our fallen state. May we all emulate the pure love of Christ this Christmas season and new year as our gift to Him, to mankind, and to ourselves.

With Christmas Excitement,

Sister Jen Alves

Exeter Stake Young Women Secretary

November 28, 2012

Activity Idea – Prayerful PJs

Hi Sisters,

Wouldn’t these be so cute to make during a weekly activity?

They weren’t given a name at the site where I found them, so I’ve called them Prayerful PJ’s. (Here’s where you can view the original idea and photos.)

This is a fun and easy activity the girls can do in one evening.

Have the girls bring in their favorite pair of pajama bottoms.

Start with a spiritual thought about the connection of our hearts to Heavenly Father when we pray. Here are a few scriptures and quotes to get you thinking:

  • Psalm 62:8
  • Alma 37:37
  • “So how will He lead us today? Through prophets, apostles, and priesthood leaders and through feelings that come after we pour out our hearts and souls to Heavenly Father in prayer. He leads us as we forsake the things of the world, repent, and change. He leads us as we keep His commandments and try to be more like Him. And He leads us through the Holy Ghost.” ~ Carl B. Cook, It is Better to Look Up.
  • “Over the years the prophets have taught that at least twice a day, morning and evening, we should find a private place, kneel down, and pour out our hearts to our Father in Heaven. Then, throughout the day, we can do our best to keep a prayer in our hearts. As we do, if our hearts are right, we will find that our prayers have increased power and focus, and we’ll discover that we’re in a better position to receive answers” ~ Gene R Cook, Receiving Answers to Our Prayers [1996], 46;

After the spiritual thought, the girls can spend the rest of the time making their Prayful Pj’s. The instructions listed on the photos include making the actual pajama bottoms. But to make the project simple enough to complete in one night, feel free to just hand stitch the hearts to the knees of the girls’ pj’s. To really make the project move quickly, you can also use Patch Attach.

If the girls bring an extra pair of pj bottoms, this project is easy enough to make another pair and then deliver them to a class member who could use a little extra love.

November 12, 2012

Presidency Message - November

From Sister Sandra Reyes – 2nd Counselor, Stake Young Women Presidency

Dear Sisters,

There many blessings which we are grateful for as we work together in the gospel. There have been many times where we had strong feelings that will guide us to what our Heavenly Father wanted at that given time for our youth. We have acknowledged the Lord's hand in every activity, dance, fireside and conference that we have planned. We are grateful for these experiences and  we feel that we need to let you know that we are also grateful for each one of you…

We are grateful that this year we had the opportunity to visit and see all of you during Ward Conferences.

We appreciate each one of you who works so hard every week to bring the young women together for an activity. 

We thank you for the time spent preparing weekly lessons.

We appreciate you for the love you express to the young women each day of the week.

We are grateful that the young women in the Exeter Stake have leaders so caring like you.

May your family be blessed as you serve in the Young Women program. 

November 3, 2012

2012 Stake Auxiliary Training


Dearest Sisters,

We are really looking forward to our time together this month. We hope you will make every effort to attend.

We ask that you bring:

  • 9 copies of a recent activity or other successful idea to share. You can also email them to by  November 11th and we will have them ready for you that evening.
  • Your Scriptures
  • Your Handbook

In preparation for that meeting we invite you to view any of the short videos found here.

We pray that all of us will be nourished and rejuvenated as we prepare for and attend this training. May you feel God’s love for you, your family and these remarkable Daughters of our Heavenly Father whom we love and teach.

With Great Love & Gratitude,

The Exeter Stake Young Women Presidency

image of mountain used in the invite found here:

October 22, 2012

Activity, Lesson & Family Home Evening Ideas + Lib Dub Video

Wasn’t Stake Conference wonderful? It was so joyful to watch Rebekah Day, a Laurel from Methuen - and one of Sister Krista Day’s incredible Daughters -speak with such poise and with the Spirit. And did you see how many of our Young Women were in the choir? We sure love all of them – and all of you.

Here are a few ideas to help as you and the class presidencies plan your weekly activities:

Give each person a puzzle piece to decorate... keeping the edges intact so it can be re-assembled. Use for a lesson on individual worth... how each individual piece is beautiful on its own. But what a masterpiece you get when you put them all together! (Big chunky puzzles work best.)

Focus little ones on OTHERS during the month of Christmas- over 50 acts of kindness. What a fantastic idea to help keep CHRIST in Christmas...thinking of others!

Focus on others during these holiday months with over 50 acts of kindness.

Christmas tree relay game: Each team was given a roll of green crepe paper and ornaments. They had to decorate one person from their team to look like a Christmas tree.

Christmas tree relay game: Give each team a roll of green crepe paper and ornaments. They have to decorate one person from their team to look like a Christmas tree.

Pin the tag on the missionary. With the new announcement from President Monson, this would be fun to do with a young woman and a young man wall picture. Have each youth create their own tag in the language of one place they would love to serve the Lord. Then play the game. Afterwards you might also divide the youth up into twosomes or threesomes and have them take 15 minutes to study and then come up with a 5 minute lesson on one topic from Preach My Gospel (see side bar for link to that book.)

Fun Young Woman Craft Activity. Tutorial here:

Fun craft.

ketchup" on some Personal Progress

Personal Progress “Ketchup” Night.

And last but not least: THE EXETER STAKE LIP DUB!

Huge thank you to the Exeter Ward Young Women Presidency (Sister Alison Hardisty, Sister Nicole Caverretta, Sister Amy Edwards, Sister Holly Lyles) and the Exeter Ward Young Men Presidency (Brother Harvey Gish, Brother Chris Caverretta and Brother Matt Adams) for coordinating this! Aren’t the youth so fun to watch? They had a blast.

October 12, 2012

Stake Conference Temple Night
















We hope to fill the temple with Relief Society Sisters who serve in the Young Women auxiliary.

As mentioned on the above invitation, we would love to unite with you at the 7:00pm session.

October 1, 2012

Presidency Message – October

From Sister Renee Kelly. Exeter Stake Young Women Presidency. 1st Counselor

Mary Lightner Reads the Book of Mormon

I recently attended a teaching fireside in my home ward. There were many wonderful points made by the presenter and lots of terrific input from those attending.

At the end the question she (the presenter) left us with was this -

"What doctrine or principle, if understood, would help those in my stewardship progress in the gospel?"

This question lead me to another question - Who exactly is in my stewardship?  The first person I thought of was myself!  It occurred to me that if I was not actively looking for doctrine and principles during my personal study then the chance that I would be able to teach a doctrine or principle would be greatly diminished.  Amazingly, I heard this message echoed in the talk given by Sister Linda Reeves, Second Counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency, on Saturday night. "Feel and see for yourself THEN help others feel and see."

Sisters, we as a presidency are aware of the weight that is upon each of you.  Life on its own can get hectic, and when our stewardships broaden because of our callings the weight can increase.  Please remember this is HIS work, and because it is HIS, He will help you carry it. Please put yourself first in your gospel study, not in a selfish way but in a way that will nourish you that you may have the will, the stamina and the joy that comes from working with the Savior and his precious Daughters of God.

Thank you as always for being so wonderful!!

Much love.


Image above by Andrew Knaupp found at

September 25, 2012

Upcoming General Relief Society Meeting

general relief society

Sister Linda K. Burton, center, Sister Carole M. Stephens, left, and Sister Linda S. Reeves, right.

From the Church News

The general Relief Society meeting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be held on September 29, 2012.

Relief Society sisters worldwide are invited to view the satellite broadcast of the general Relief Society meeting at 6:00 p.m. mountain daylight time (8:00pm eastern daylight time). All women 18 years of age and older are encouraged to view the broadcast. They are also encouraged to invite friends and neighbors who may benefit from the meeting.

Linda K. Burton, Relief Society general president; Carole M. Stephens, first counselor; and Linda S. Reeves, second counselor, will speak, along with a member of the First Presidency. This will be the first Relief Society broadcast since the general presidency’s reorganization in spring 2012.

Live video streaming of the broadcast will be available at in 16 languages: ASL, Cantonese, Cebuano, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Samoan, Spanish, Tagalog, and Tongan. Archives of the broadcast will be available in those same languages at the same site within 24 hours. Live video and audio will also be available in English and Spanish at Click here for more information.

“Although the name may be of modern date, the institution is of ancient origin. We were told by our martyred prophet that the same organization existed in the church anciently.” Eliza R. Snow, Daughters of My Kingdom, Chapter 1 Heading.)

“This great circle of sisters will be a protection for each of you and for your families. The Relief Society might be likened to a refuge—the place of safety and protection—the sanctuary of ancient times. You will be safe within it. It encircles each sister like a protecting wall.” (Boyd K. Packer, Daughters in My Kingdom, Chapter 6 Heading.)

“The world's greatest champion of woman and womanhood is Jesus the Christ.” (James E. Talmage, Daughters of My Kingdom, pg. 3)

We pray that we will all be spiritually recharged and refreshed by the messages we will hear as we continue the great work and purposes of the Relief Society while serving in the Young Women’s auxiliary.

September 10, 2012

Recipe + Video Recommendation

Sisters, did any of you try Sister Alves incredibly yummy Saltine Toffee Cookies at the annual New Castle Commons activity on Saturday? The question should be, how many of you didn’t? I, for one, lost count after a half dozen. Sister Alves has graciously offered the recipe for those sweet and salty snacks (see below). This is a delicious and very easy refreshment idea for your weekly activities, firesides and Family Home Evening.

Ingredients for 36 servings
  • 1/4 pound saltine crackers
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 cup dark brown sugar
  • 2 cups and 1 tablespoon semisweet chocolate chips
  • 3/4 cup and 1 teaspoon chopped pecans
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).
  2. Line cookie sheet with saltine crackers in single layer.
  3. In a saucepan combine the sugar and the butter. Bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Immediately pour over saltines and spread t cover crackers completely.
  4. Bake at 400 degrees F (205 degrees C) for 5 to 6 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle chocolate chips over the top. Let sit for 5 minutes. Spread melted chocolate and top with chopped nuts. Cool completely and break into pieces.
I also recommend to you Elder Holland’s CES address from last night. I pray you will feel uplifted, refreshed and strengthened as you view it. Israel, Israel God is Calling


September 3, 2012

Activity Ideas

Have you heard about this wonderful idea called The Birthday Project?

It was started by this woman. Her name is Robyn Bomar.


Having been inspired by an LDS  friend, she decided to do 38 Random Acts of Kindness to celebrate her 38th birthday and invited others to join her.

Here are just a few things she and her family did:

Returned grocery carts in store parking lots


Bought a gift card for groceries and turned around  and handed it to woman in line behind her. 

Walked up to a family eating lunch at a local restaurant, placed a gift card on their table and walked out.

Dropped off several hand written thank you notes and doughnuts at the police station.

Handed out Mylar balloons to children shopping with their parents.

Taped change to vending machines.


Wrote a letter to old friend and mailed it.

Brought in the neighbor’s garbage can for them.

Took  a large bag of clothes to the local homeless shelter.

There are so many layers here. Wouldn’t this be a fun way to celebrate all kinds of birthdays? Which birthdays would our Young Women want to celebrate this way? And what kinds of acts of kindness would they come up? Your next class presidency meeting with them would be a great place to bring it up.


August 28, 2012

Summer Memories

From Sister Heather Van Gieson - President, Sanford Ward Young Women Auxiliary

“The Young Women Conference was a wonderful experience for everyone who came. I think what struck me the most was the love Sister Dalton radiated to the girls. During her address she spoke about the blessing she received when she was set apart that she would have a Christ like love for these girls. We were all blessed to feel that love and for a moment better understand the love the Savior has for our girls. One of my girls told her grandmother after the conference that she could feel how much Sister Dalton loved them. What I took away from this conference is that I need to help my girls remember the feelings they experienced and continue to give them opportunities to feel the Savior's love for them. I know that when they truly understand how much the Savior loves them they will strive to become the women He knows they can be. I am grateful I was able to go to the conference and be inspired right along side my girls.”






From Sister Krista Day – President, Methuen Ward Young Women Auxiliary

Sister Day's YW Conference Top 5:

“1. Four Laurels from the Exeter Stake helped continually with the First Aid Kit Service Project. They saw a need and stepped in and happily helped out. This was the pure love of Christ, Charity, at work. I felt the spirit from these Young Women. It shown bright and they truly showed how to "Arise and Shine Forth" through their example.

2. A Young Woman from one of the Maine Stake saw a need to jump in and help with the service project in a different area. She stayed glued to the spot and refilled items non-stop for a half hour until it quieted down some. I didn't know her at all but it touched my heart that we have young women across the world OBSERVING when help is needed and then doing what needs to be done to help.

3. When you get a group of people together with one heart, one mind, and one purpose, they accomplish a lot!

4. I will always, always remember the tangible spirit in the chapel when we were prepping for Sister Dalton and Elder Eyring's arrival. It was empowering and it helped me reset my priorities. I was so very filled with the spirit that I was consumed with it. Actually I felt the description in 2 Nephi 4:21, "He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh."

I'm so very proud of our young women! They are truly the chosen generation. I hope and pray they will identify with the divinity within each of them so that they may be strong and consistent in living the standards and principles of the gospel so that one day, they will enter the holy house of the Lord, the temple, to serve missions, to be married eternally, and to become all they are to become.”




From Sister Jen Alves – Secretary, Exeter Stake Young Women Presidency

“This summer has been so full of spiritual activities and I have loved it! What could be more fun than

Hanging out with the youth of Zion and the leaders that lead them? I can honestly say this has been the best summer of my life! Really! It has also been the busiest and fastest summer of my life!

In retrospect, I cannot decide which I loved more; having Sister Dalton visit our Stake, going on Trek, or being part of Girls Camp? They were all exciting for me and I'm glad I got to be part of each one!

From Girls Camp I mostly remember the Kingdom of God cake that we managed to build among all the other jobs that had to be done. It was symbolic of life itself. We have so many jobs to do and we build the Kingdom at the same time. It cannot be done by one person alone. It takes many hands. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it! I also totally loved the edible gold dust, the pink frosting, and the princess puff cake balls! Now that was fu-un!

Trek! What's not to love? In my house we say, "I'd rather be Trekking!" Being surrounded by Saints for three days straight is a dream come true! With Brother Perkes as our guide we learned faith building lessons every step of the way. The fresh air and exercise were the icing on my cake (hehe)! We can and will do hard things and we'll be much better off for them. The women's pull really rocked (no pun intended?) my world and I hope and pray I get to do that again!

Having Sister Elaine S. Dalton, our general Y.W President, visit and speak with us was such a thrill! What a great way to cap off the summer! It's too bad we had to let her go back home. My favorite quote from her was, "One virtuous young woman led by the spirit can change the world…… and I know you will."

I feel so blessed to have been part of all these wonderful events. I have met some of the best people on earth including our youth who are the next generation of leaders in building the kingdom of God here on earth and in the eternities to come. I love you guys!”


From Sister Sandra Reyes – 2nd Counselor, Exeter Stake Young Women Presidency

“This summer was filled with blessings and manifestations of the spirit. We were able to prepare and organize these activities with the feeling of approval from Heavenly Father. That is why the answer to "Why do we do this?" is very clear to me. We do these things because every member in the  Exeter Stake is willing to serve without reservation. They are obedient to the promptings of the spirit and act accordingly. Therefore we see blessings pouring from the sky as we hear our young women testify of the gospel with certainty that is true, no doubts. We see them as leaders ready to serve at any given time and set goals to get married in the Temple because they understand the importance of an eternal family. They know they are Daughters of our Heavenly Father and have divine qualities. I am grateful  I had the opportunity to serve and be blessed to have been a witness to all the summer Stake activities and the miracles that took place.  I know that my Redeemer lives and that he loves the youth of this true church. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.” 


Sister Renee Kelly – 1st Counselor, Exeter Stake Young Women Presidency

As I reflect on this past summer I am filled with a gratitude so deep I feel it is impossible to express with words.  I am first and foremost grateful to my Savior who has blessed me beyond measure by placing me here at this time and in this place to work within such a wonderful organization

Our summer has overflowed with the spirit and in no small measure that was due to each individual who participated in camp, trek and young womens conference.  Whether your involvement was behind the scenes or front and center the addition of YOUR drop of oil helped to magnify the spirit for us all. 

President Gordon B. Hinckley said, "It is not enough to give alms to those in need. For as important as that is, a gift without the giver has no meaning; the person who gives of himself with what he has to offer feeds three---'Himself, his hungering neighbor and me [the Savior]"  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for so freely giving of your time, your talents and yourselves to bless us all.



From Sister Shannon Gish – Exeter Stake Young Women President

The idea of being Zion continues to resonate in my heart as I reflect on our summer full of spiritual growth. I have learned in profound ways that, truly, “In the strength of the Lord, we can do all things” even hard things. Without Christ as the center of our lives, we are powerless.

My dearest Sisters, I hope you know of our deep and abiding love for each of you – of my deep and abiding love for each of you. I feel so incredibly blessed and grateful beyond words that I am yoked with you – together - with our Savior in this great work. You are tremendous Women doing extraordinary things and bringing down miracles from heaven into the lives of our beautiful young women and their families. May you feel of our Father in Heaven’s pure love increased within you, your families and in the organizations over which you preside. May we be One; “knit together in unity and love, determined in one mind and in one heart” to build up Zion in preparation for the coming of Christ.

Photos courtesy of Sister Heather Van Gieson, Sister Jen Alves, Sister Brittany Soucy and Sister Jen Perkes

Trek photos can be downloaded for free at this site:

July 20, 2012

July Presidency Message

Thoughts From Camp:

From Sister Verlie Grotenhuis – Exeter Stake Young Women Camp Director

     As I packed up to leave girls camp at the end of another terrific week I thought about the things I was bringing home.  I put my pink "Happily Ever After" T-shirt in my suitcase, I slipped my "diamond" pink pinky ring on my finger and added even more seemingly random paraphernalia  to my bucket full of skit props. Every spring we send out a list of STUFF we are told to bring to camp.  The girls have their list and the leaders have an even longer one. I have a section in my attic for camping.  Every June I pack it up, haul it to Zion's camp, set it up, take it down, pack it up again, bring it home and leave it for another year.  That is what STUFF is for - to use as needed. 


From Sister Jennifer Alves – Exeter Stake Young Women Secretary

Girls camp was a ton of fun!

I love seeing my friends and all the fabulous girls from other wards. Working seriously hard for a few days really makes one appreciate home when you get back...but I already miss my camp friends and all the chocolate cake.

I mostly love the Spirit at Girls camp. The Holy Spirit. (And the edible gold dust. That was really cool!)

From Sister Sandra Reyes – Exeter Stake Young Women Presidency 2nd Counselor

I like to see the adult leaders on the first day of camp. I noticed from a great big tower, to a beautiful canvas drawing, to candy decorations, and all of this in preparation for their young women’s arrival. On Tuesday, all younger young women are welcomed at the gate with a feeling of excitement and love.

During the rest of the week, if we paid close attention, we can experience great examples of love and service within the girls. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to witness many acts of service. There was one young women that took her job as a youth leader very seriously and she went the extra mile to be there for the young women she was assigned to. She is one that if anyone in her group needed anything, she will run to get it. This is the pure love of Christ, charity.

When we put others before ourselves and this is what takes place at Camp Zion. Camp Zion was compared to being in the temple during our testimony meeting, and to many of our young women, it was. I love feeling the spirit that each young women brings to this beautiful place. I know that this is where our Heavenly Father wants our young women to be during this week. I am grateful for all the blessings that we received as we served at Camp Zion. This is another testimony that our Heavenly Father loves this generation and wants the best for all. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

From Sister Renee Kelly – Exeter Stake Young Women Presidency, 1st Counselor

Bringing it Home    

The most important thing I need to bring home from camp each year is that feeling of love created at Zion.  For those few short days all is right with the world and all things seem possible as we commune more closely with our Heavenly Father, our Savior and each other.  Every where we turn there is the potential for joy; there is nature and there are people serving each other with wonderful smiles.

     My T-shirt will remind me that I am a "D" Daughter of God.  My pinky ring will help me to remember that beautiful, sparkling diamonds are created under pressure. My collection of skit props will make me smile at how silly we can be when we are together. 

     The true "stuff" of Zion's Camp has no place in a bin or in an attic hidden away for a year.  More than any thing I could possess I hope to keep those feelings of charity and sisterhood with me every day. 

      A deep and heart felt thank you to all who served at camp this year.  May your memories be sweet and you testimony of our Savior's love be even richer.

From Sister Shannon Gish – Exeter Stake Young Women President

At the end of camp, a few of our lovely first year girls came up to me and said, "Sister Gish - even though we’re happy to be going home, we’re already feeling 'camp-sick' (as in home sick).

Don't you love that?

And why are they "camp-sick?" I believe it's because they truly experienced a Zion’s Camp, not just an Exeter Stake Young Women Camp. (Though I really like the idea that they are one and the same.) "And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them." Moses 7:18.

As I walked the trails and sat at campfires and spent time with the young women, ironically, I had an overwhelming feeling of love and gratitude for the power and influence of the Relief Society.

Think about it.

Who makes camp happen? Women of the Relief Society who are devoted to and covenanted with Jesus Christ; who have burning testimonies of His divinity; who have witnesses of the restoration of His gospel through Joseph Smith; who understand the transformative promises of the Book of Mormon; who minister under the proper keys of the priesthood – turned for us from a prophet of God and held today by President Monson; who have experienced the redeeming and sanctifying power of our Savior’s infinite Atonement. And most especially we - united Sisters of the Relief Society - make camp happen because we are women who love the Lord and our Father in Heaven.  I believe strongly that during that June week, we fulfilled the purpose of camp which is '”helping young women come unto Christ by: 

  • Confirming their identity as Daughters  of God. [with a capital D]
  • Recognizing and cultivating the Spirit
  • Keeping baptismal covenants
  • Preparing for their future roles.

(see Young Women Camp Leader Guide, pg 5)

And the economics of heaven being what they are, we also accomplished the purpose of Relief Society at the same time by increasing in faith and personal righteousness, strengthening families and homes and helping those in need. (see Handbook 2, 9.1.1.) I hope these truths distill upon your souls as it has mine.

Thank you for the spiritual preparation you put into your lives each day. Thank you for living as exemplary women of covenant, virtue and charity. Thank you for seeking and following revelation and being sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Our united faith in Christ makes all things possible - even a week at camp.

May the Lord continue to pour out blessings on each of us and our families. May we be one – united and strengthened - in our righteous endeavors. And may we keep the spirit of Zion's Camp resonating in our hearts and in the hearts of our young women throughout the year.

A Zion Camp-sickness is a good thing. 

With deepest love and gratitude…always.

June 18, 2012

Zion’s Camp Kitchen Clean-Up + Welcome Sister Alves

A big thank you to everyone who showed up to help get the kitchen ready for Young Women Camp. We had a fun time together.

And a Huge thank you  to Brother Kane for coordinating everything.

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As many of you may have already heard, our beloved Sister Amy Edwards was released from our Stake Young Women Presidency and is now serving as 2nd counselor in the newly reorganized Young Women Presidency of the Exeter Ward. While we will dearly miss Sister Edwards who served so lovingly and diligently, we are looking forward to being blessed by the great spiritual capacities and many talents of Sister Jennifer (Jen) Alves of the Exeter Ward as the new Exeter Stake Young Women Secretary. You may recognize her as the incredible food/kitchen chairperson for camp.  She was also serving in the Exeter Ward Young Women Presidency at the time of her call.

Here is a quick spotlight about her:


I am Jennifer Lynn Alves. I am number six out of eight children. I am 38 years young. I was born and raised in Massachusetts. I usually forget to pronounce my R’s (wicked sorry). I was also born and raised in the church and have a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. I was recently asked to tell of a time when I felt I had a strong testimony. The real question is, “can I remember a time when I did not feel I had a strong testimony?” The answer is, “No”.

My sweetheart of 19 years is Mario. He is my light hearted, hard working family man. I love and appreciate him dearly! We have three children whom we love to eternity and back. Our intention is to enter the Celestial Kingdom with all of our children.

I am highly aware of Satan’s continuous attack on the children of men. I will not stand idly by while Satan tramples on everything. I pray for Heavenly Father’s help often, as it is obvious that I cannot fight that fight alone.

I know God lives because He has answered my prayers many times over. I know He lives because He gradually makes me into a person that I could not be on my own. I give thanks unto God for everything that is good in me and for all that I am blessed with in this world and hope to be blessed with after my earthly existence is over. I am happy to serve Him and know that I am blessed when I do. I love the feeling of being part of the crew that helps to grow the kingdom of God on earth and in Heaven.

I am thrilled to have an elder brother named Jesus Christ who loved me (and you) enough to sacrifice His life for me so that through His atonement I can repent of my sins and one day [have] my family [in] Heaven with me. . . whatever it takes, I’ll do it.

We welcome and sustain you wholeheartedly, Sister Alves.