March 31, 2012

2012 Young Women Auxiliary Training from Salt Lake

Last Thursday our presidency gathered at Sister Kelly’s home with a pot of chocolate fondue and united hearts to watch the 2012 Young Women Auxiliary Training from Salt Lake. It was tremendous!  We encourage you to gather with your presidencies to watch and then council together about specific things you will implement to strengthen your families and our Young Women. 

Be sure to check in regularly at the News & Announcement and the Church News sites for future information related to the Young Women’s organization.
Off to return back to General Conference…(Hasn’t it been wonderful thus far?)

With Love & Gratitude,
Sister Shannon Gish
Exeter Stake Young Women President

P.S. Be watching your emails for an exciting announcement about a summer multi-stake Young Women Conference August 10-11, 2012. Details will be sent soon.

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