March 20, 2012

Preparation for Saturday’s Broadcast

We are really looking forward to gathering with you, the girls, their mothers and Priesthood leaders this Saturday to view the annual Young Women General Broadcast live from Salt Lake. 

Where: Exeter Stake Center.
Time: Seated in the chapel before 7:30pm.
Dress: Sunday Dress 

We invite each Ward Young Women leader and the young women to spiritually prepare for this event.  Think about and pray for ways you and the girls might go about this.  One idea is to pray that a specific question will be answered. Another might be to seek revelation to know how to minister "to the one" within the scope of your responsibilities.  Since the Sunday following the broadcast is Fast Sunday, we encourage you to come to the meeting fasting which will heighten your spiritual sensitivity to have - as Elder Bednar once stated - a revelatory experience.

In addition to these things, I hope you will join me in fasting and praying for a very specific purpose:
Last Sunday in the Sanford ward, a young Deacon Quorum President named Jacob Bartolome was asked to speak about his goals for his quorum. Being the only Deacon, he has set a goal to bring at least one boy his age into the gospel which will double his quorum size. My heart burned as I listened to him and felt drawn out to join him in his desires. To that end, I invite you to join me in fasting that this young Aaronic Priesthood holder will have the faith and revelation to bring this righteous desire to fruition.

As a Stake Young Women Presidency, we would also like to add to our fast any goals that your presidencies and our young women class presidencies from around the stake may have set, so please let me know.

We love you. We pray for you, your families and the extraordinary Young Women of our stake. May you continue to be blessed for all you do as you engage in our Father's Work (Moses 1:39)

With Love & Gratitude,
Sister Shannon Gish

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