March 19, 2012

Graduating Laurel Activity

What a wonderful evening at the home of our Stake Relief Society President, Sister Tori Farrer. 

In addition to delicious food, an inspiring welcome message by Sister Farrer, and a goodie bag from the Exeter Stake Relief Society Presidency to our graduating Laurels, we had a fun time chatting while doing a service project.  We finished off eight fleece tied blankets which will be donated to the Seabrook Police Department to give to children when drug raids are made in their homes.

Thank you to everyone who made this evening a success.

With love & gratitude,
Sister Shannon Gish – Exeter Stake YW President

P.S. I got a sneak peak at the upcoming Exeter Stake Women’s Conference which Sister Farrer and her presidency are planning.  Be sure you have marked off Saturday May 19th from 9am-2pm.  From the teasers I saw, it is going to be amazing.

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